The best moderation bot for Discord
Keep your Discord server safe and organized with Vortexus's advanced auto-moderation filters, AI moderation, & more. Set up rules & filters for bad behavior, track server activity, and more!
Last updated
Keep your Discord server safe and organized with Vortexus's advanced auto-moderation filters, AI moderation, & more. Set up rules & filters for bad behavior, track server activity, and more!
Last updated
We are working hard to bring you all features, we are still working on this!
We are working hard on bring you guys all the commands, sadly we are still working on this one also!
If your having someone else build your server that needs access to all Vortexus commands and/or a second owner you want to have permissions to change owner only commands on Vortexus you should setup a second owner, this gives them permissions to commands they wouldn't typically have it on.
We let you choose what you want Vortexus to have, you can delete all your server data by typing the above command!
Set your staff role, required for a ton of commands just use /setstaffrole role:staffrole
to set your staff role!
Easily have a modern logging channel but using /setloggingchannel channel:logging channel!
Enable scammer auto-ban to keep scammers out of your server.
Make a verification system and choose the verification level, we suggest at least medium, medium is not very secure but is not known about much yet.
Modern moderation commands, ready for almost all uses with more coming.